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Congratulations, Sarah and Mary!

Congratulations, Sarah and Mary!

Ginny Stewart19 Apr - 08:27
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KHC members recognised in Melrose Sevens Celebration of Women in Sport

The inaugural Celebration of Women in Sport in partnership with Melrose Sevens was held on Friday evening at Melrose RFC {clubrooms}. Two of our club members, Sarah Turnbull and Mary Weir, were nominated for awards and attended the prestigious event organised by Sioban Petrie and hosted by Bruce Aitchison.

Sarah Turnbull was nominated in the Rising Star category for her volunteering. A former pupil of Berwickshire High School, Sarah devoted over 500 hours volunteering, giving up her own time to help coach the S1 hockey team, lead and assist various Active Schools' activities at BHS, as well as coach our junior players on Sunday mornings at Kelso. Sarah encouraged young people to become involved in sport and helped run Dance and Boccia Clubs for the Enhanced Provision pupils at Berwickshire HS. Now at Stirling University, she continues with her volunteering and has embarked on Scottish Hockey’s “Lead the Way” Programme, looking to enhance the knowledge and skills of both current and future leaders within the hockey community, as well as continuing to play her own sports, including playing for Kelso 2s.

Our club Chairperson and coach, Mary Weir, was presented with the Rose Award for Volunteer of the Year. Mary has volunteered in many sports over the last forty years, including tennis, badminton, athletics, gymnastics, skiing, country dance and hockey. She continues to devote a countless number of hours to Kelso Hockey Club and South District Hockey, coaching, umpiring, managing teams and players and is a huge inspiration to players, coaches and teachers alike.

Congratulations, Sarah and Mary, on your well deserved awards!

Further reading